Roland school

 To catch light blue sky with the clouded sky one room school would not know what to do on a stormy day though perhaps glancing other window as one not read wholly through for many stormy seasons feeling the dull grey weather the trails of pioneer's to a one room school old country styles.


In a distinctive appearance there early life between a frontier town the families settled near this old formed wooden frame white school with green trim the wooden frame door large windows even to be said to be used as an a hospital, and they were far enough off the main road off over seeing the prairie especially near farms one room school met in a single room row desks or benches to sit on to the basic levels of learning the teachers were known as schoolmam or schoolsir one room schools are known to be as schoolhouses small wooden school to keep in the heat a stove next to a drafty wood pile to keep warm to the old fashioned way.

The first school built in this area to the styled smallest school in there heritage country home to one threw to meeting the prairie the early orginal style the old school harmonies the admist life and the rest of the season to the charming quaint establishements of an old school. The railway arrived in Oyen just around in 1913 to the norwegian families living in oyen threw the trailblazing. On the sound, the old-fashioned to pure old school story telling old school of thought of a country life the old time's were slowly creeping to them many trails once crossed to the old time schooling calling in the old time the darkened clouds moving in slowly across the country sky many trails ahead.


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