Springwater stone school

Shadows sunset threw the country backroads few more roads those extra miles to get there threw the fields of green watching  butterflies little rusty leaves rustling threw the tree's on  excursion a journey to small area many abandoned houses there were some old houses that caught our eye amazed that they are still standing.

Took a southerly route across the prairie a dusty yellow brown gazing stone pile filled each stone for there remberence a stoneman was hired to bulid the stones school 1914 1922 some others volunteered while collecting stones for the school joy of many memories unique style history a stepping stone tough as nails for completing in time soon whispers traveled for local farming community to go to school each step now existence of the cornerstone clouds settling down for the night the clouds moving past the sun shrubland. In a one large room school teacher's student's to learn education in the farmering community now abandoned beauty the structure included some  brick around the windows neatly stacked the bricks in the one room school facing near the door way and stone the small window drawing with the large window's extra heat in the winter.

Stone Springwater school connected to the Stone castle in Alberta a period written before in time the movie bye bye blues was filmed there at Springwater school a historic gem on this grass covered land time not forgetton one true nature seeing these abandoned structures amazes me there pride to build there home still a pride today.  

The reflections walking in the school seeing the large chalk board a organ piano there solidarity as a community. Path that takes us on there spiritual growth journey threw life. Elements and are and are used in forming paths. The land of the prairie Indians Blackfoot cree to walk to breath to when they didn't see the sun but to see dark clouds clearing a prairie storm eventually.



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