Obadiah place North Star

Crying city new land of hope opportunities freedom Hope in there eyes just wanted to be free from crying city.

 Country gentleman a journey humble uniquely aware once a bustling town to bid farewell above the stars. Providence brought black history to be in better place in Alberta Amber Valley a new shift in there lives.
Slaves escaping to America to Canada a better place they wrote on the wall using marks to escape to remember which to come back without there master. The north star for guidance the stars above the dark sky threw the tree's for guidance to crawl threw dirt swamp leaving markings using symbols to get to Canada.

No longer a crying city new home propesperity hope.

Amber Valley the lost community not forgotten black residents first black settlers to there new promising days. Known as the western black settlements the orginal homestead orginal Bowen orginal cabin served central part of community, house first post office belonging to the site of the first telephone the log cabin was replaced in 1938 obadiah bowen his son living light prairie lifestyle built the current house the structure weathered venernacular wood quite unique one half storey house single hung windows near there fields flat and treeless and the sky seemed to go on forever. Amber Valley the shallow history Amber Valley remained moving toward the future.

Memory lives on in thepioneers buildings slowly fading pictures to salavage of memories what is left of there history the post office closed in 1971.

Swamps to hide themeselves black slaves talked in codes to escape to Canada finding the north star when it wasn't seen they would feel the leaves mark them from the slaves before the same path to follow memories to be told spirit of love.

To there soul Country gentleman a journey over a new land to a small town to bid farewell lost homes old souls new souls to follow the stars the prairie sky's. Providence brought the black history together a new shift in there lives a book of land the untold stories the prairie moment's to immerse yourself in a life is not your own but to own your own life.

Traditionally settled by Willis Reese Bowen he smiles understandignly kinship the bond just as as he understood his son Obadiah Bower 1913 1938 the pioneer old log cabin the family front a black man chose the latter and he was not alone of his home that lies between the north side bucolic country the prairie land is ideal for farming the bumper crop farming to the prairie's. 

Obadiah dedicated himself in the community in the early day's being a pastor taking his hand to help other's to reach out to them one kind sir the choir gives a voice. Amber valley first all black baseball team a team effective voice there given there conditions up a chartered train longest prairie hill's black pioneer with there hair style curved braids represent the roads they traveled there dreams they followed over how  far they come homesteader's they began to lift the ground to a new journey.

Abandoned prairie hill's above the sky we go walking out to see the beauty to perseverance to unlock the past prairie rose follow your steps.


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