Red painted church mission in life

  • A road rarely traveled painting a simple life threw the crossroads red small mission church old rugged red church appears on a gravel road to meet you at the mission church once a cross on top we thought the church was unique color with red brick siding first eye noticed the green temple nearly fading which made more unique while we exploring the old church had to represent there culture a red church with green temple Estonian Lutheran Christian spirtually Estonian freedom the worshiped in the forest tales of spiritual beliefs faith and earth green woodenly fading mission churches usally you don't have crosses a steeple bell tower appears supporting longer in the mist a weathered bell rope holding to the church eye clapper bell attached by splicing to a church bell once hung to ring now to only hear the peacefulness of birds flying threw the church tree's swaying in the wind the temple leaning towards once where the congregation was held.
                                  Established 1946
                                       1901 -1925

Special thanks to Fallon

The blue walls slowly peeling wroughting in decay red painted church northern albeta a symbolizm of sanctuary mission beauty a strong mission church embrace summertime soul traveling stories unfold a village to there new home abroad help those in need devoted there faith searching for a purpose in life. Green mission grow green faith going house to house the different shapes in medical mission some of the young men brethren still voices to be heard 3 mission sisters very sound people structured a different path wandering Aimlessly life in black mission convient clothing deeply rooted strong to prevail in the most sorrow moments while my husband and were exploring looking for any marked stone's we found thought it was unique that it was in front of the church a marker the bell missing in the mist once used for church service cattle crossing or fires behind the church tall trees farmer's field prairie grass.
  • Five colors of mission yellow green red crimson, green, black marked religion the mission the green is faith the spirit a guidance across the nation. Back to the beginning first Christians mission sisters brethren help the ones in need to embrace life. Impact on there roles thrive bye there spirit the mission to the ends of the earth green on the temple faded it spirit still remains along the dusty road the northern trees blowing threw the wind to the prairie sky's.
  • Past dream all walks life silent town day shadow creative spirit prairie some where venturing in a small village town prairie sky's shinning light threw the tree's in the movement we shall see all lives matter of faith given our grace when we fall down we pick up ourselves up strength within. 



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