Heritage pieces Blythe

Heritage pieces (Blythe)

history to written history what they endured to get to be presence in that moment when they arrived Moosomin Saskatwechan was established in 1882 After the death of her first husband ( Lubiniecki ) Kathleen married Ross John was adopted John Blythe her new husband we will bring togetherJohn Kennedy IV and Margaret Comfort, was born 13 April 1862 at St. Anns, Gainsborough the Healy's family the generation to over face prosperity family written history of generations alleviate the sufferings but there gratitude of being Ukrainene history a borderland journey.  Ireland history to have a perlisou journey the movement between the peasants wishing them success gratitude to escape Ireland to shift towards Canada for better future to be known as a coffin ship so much like our black history to escape for freedom mushroom Ireland community the Irizh Contae Mhaigh Eo, ("plains of the yew trees ever known as  green trees)" or fruit berries tree immortality and everlasting life, rebirth, changes to the Irish  valley's initial settlement the irish folklore believed to that it could be superstition but despite that they used these kind if trees to build timber is used in cabinetmaking and (formerly) to make longbows while they were building indicating the charm style of there heritageIn a land they dream for richer fuller life pioneers dream to seeds that are planted in the pioneer soil but they remembered there heritage how determined to escape to Canada 1840, Roman catholic history there passionate urge with the wind shifting the movement flowing. Had the pleasure talking to the owner he gave us the name Blythe previously in the past Blythe live in this most characteristic living quarters old house 18th century. We drove we walked 2miles to our adventure from he also gave permission few other old house's but was so drawn to this house to further our Journey 2mile walk plus with our puppers which we carried we spent out there 2 hours out there. 

  1. Harvest memories dusk till Dawn living the sky's above the souls the life treasured memories the times when the farmers came together  pioneer diversity sideways to our heart moonlight rises closer blended harmonies we are humble the harvest heritage piecesin a land they dream a fuller life.

The wind blows threw the breeze we all need our which way the wind sails the tall grass as it shifts in a new storm to peer threw the window of this impressive home the home was left with Ukrainian history Roman history Ireland history a community that began it's dream to feel the wind the wind on there way home threw there turbulent journey having come into existence or use in the more or less distant past for there heritage dream as old as the hills as old as the land the community had a blacksmith's doctor's office Mcnaughton was the first merchant settlers promising future a fuller enriched life. The characteristic of elements moosomin named after a Chief Mc Naughton company the Mcnaughton was the first merchant find there sense of value to thrive.

Train settlers clothing meaning leaving behind the wearerfrom there but remembering there heritage pieces the hard times in there constitute define community the destination the station was established between (1882 -1884) Kathleen family now have adapted to the ever changing land in a relatively long time short period of time.  Pioneer children belonging only to them the wood floors mending there clothes there courage given there sacred place Ukrainian 7 to be feasible there new homeland the farmers wife to be fierce the buisness man of being a noble man with his pride but to be defined with there enriched land they dream for richer fuller lifein a diversed land they dream for fuller life lived in this impressive home lifestyle with that being said they wanted to have there symbollizim on there home to give the pieces of the symbols more meaning from there country on the side of the house the heritage pieces drift away aside the misty fog rolling in.
You can see the detailed symbolism still remains intact attached to the house that represents there heritage to how we wonder and seek our dreams.In a land they dream for richer fuller life.


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