Andrew 1902

  •  Established In 1902 

 Andrew the District 

The written history begins this small village with nature surrounding the hill top trees some  abandoned stores Andrew whitford  the frontiersman the earliest settle near the brisk wind hills this time we have to go we choose to go the extra mile to follow his heritage in his footsteps threw the countryside the land he journeyed he could feel the cold wind the warm his adventure arises as he wandered sunny days he landed on new farmer's soil the footpath then east a mile on another footpath Small changes to a turbulent journey.
More you feel the more you dream why can't we break be bright as the sun leave till we reach the sky the past behind you how long do we have  to stair in mirror ill we find our dreams fight we reached with our soul.
Andrew had his dreams mercy to our souls and hearts follow his new devotedly small town his new home his name in memory Andrew area in the late Palliser Expedition in 1858. Once Andrew arrived he began to delvop his land the farm his town where to build bring hope for the pioneers to come to live in Andrew he kept digging digging for his path and home darkness overcomes the moonlight path that brightly shines over crisp snow and summer for the hope.  Wisdom and beauty our hearts we follow the spirit within you the long road ahead.

                                 Andrew whitford 

Andrew discovered the exact location near the south  development of the railway where the trails cross old cable car train caboose. Carey's which is now nick gas station now abandoned store including a hotel.  In June 1930, June 24 the hamlet of Andrew becomes Village of Andrew who would've thought 1959, July 1 - 24 hour telephone's. There are some old buildings this still remain some abandoned the old gas station build with stone still remains today. 

  1. Andrews village his dreams still live on it's quite small town very friendly gave a wave in acknowledgment while photographing this old beauty in 1870 the settlers came to Alberta for a better life hope for there pionner families with the prairie the field of stones in 1905 Alberta was established named Alberta officially .We are falling rugged and torn the unknown but to wonder but how shall we seek we look at the stars to guide us.
  2.  But why was Alberta after princess Louise the fourth daughter of the queen John Campbell, Marqueess joining forces as united front (1878 -83) he was married to Louise the queen fourth daughter the daughter's merely called Lady or madame deep in thought. This is why we see so many royal signs landmarks on churches and roads we need to have mercy again this is our Alberta home. 


  1. Interesting history of Andrew. I've been there a couple of times but not recently. It's also the home of a former Premier.


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