Stone house spirit traditions

   Stone house 


Clearly lovely weather but just 
soaks up the breeze the good memories of the old stone house stone was built to allocate resouces efficientlly to use the wood instead of stone for the roof top of the frame wood structure the spirit of the stone wood frame roof.  A life long established to tradition the paths we follow Alberta stone started getting made in 1890 in Alberta because of the forest fires surrounding our proud lands somewhere between tofield between the crossroads 1910 -1924 -1925 it would make sense they start builiding at 1910 to over year to finish a rare gem deeply rooted story start  deep in our heart's before widely spaced out but enough for farmland in a tiny house just to fit for 7 people they represent the stability ability  grounded in gem house. Stone house brings family together joy the warmth from the stone soaks up the warmth and stays dignified the tears would flow but there first home would remain the stone rocks would flow smooth water to cherish the most in life there kindness. 

Alberta for a little old stone house just in it's place you usually wood built vertical to hold the structure which holds longer but you see stone built with pride these pionners new what they were doing there once proud community using muddy wagons when in was a forest of my soul they were assiduous observer of their religious beliefs see but however figuring it out beauty the history slowly coming there once was several old buildings but it was just be enough form there remote prairie for a farming community each  stone rock they stacked that meant to them means thankfulness.  Clear lovely weather with no more pictures on the wall but just there memories Wisdom beauty in our hearts we follow the spirit within you the long road ahead to scout the skys the star we reach to our heart and souls mend broken hearts the epic journey threw within our heart to guide our light.

Small town scattered to bid fair well near and far as they walk between daffodil the tall grass swaying threw the wind deeply journeyed to there hearts Cloud is clear are the clouds sleeping  to there life full of certainty when well it be clear to hear the one voice have faith again when well we feel whole again. Cloud is clear are clouds sleeping when well it be clear to hear the one voice the old and weathered. The pionners travelling life the pioneers began to wander to there old stylish home wagon ride toom such pride in the stone home and there homeland to the bold journey they endured to their promiseland.


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