St Elias orthodox Ukrainian Greek Christianity 1922 (Biserica Ortodoxă Sf. Ilie) a searing look past tears laughter the earliest the settlers journeyed near wandering 1927 village known as Muskeg-Prairie. The monk travel first claimed essential solitaire place to Christianity to wandering  the monks lost there trail gazing into the deep woods the to their new orthodox Monasteries in nature in there new life new adventure. The monks believed nature is calming soothing to the soul to mediate surrounded the monk was amazed to his ingenuity in all his glory with the trees deep into the woods to walk around wander to their destination in life evidently the monks accustomed began the deconstruction of the meditation ritual a monk who lives mediatation lifestyle in poverty  chastity the monks on daily rituals would read be dedicated to neighbors, those in need deep breathing relaxation  Monk cloister to devoting one self to contemplantion to commintent. 


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