Embracing elements


Shishkovtsy/Shandro The first temple, 1918-1963  the church services were held in there homes before the church was built there a sign dated 1903 Russo Orthodox Church of the Dormition of the Theotokos the bell tower within distance 20 May, 1903, founders of the parish of the Dormition of the Mother of God the land was donated for saving the church the graves are tucked away under the trees life comes threw the trees the Pail blue skyscraper represents the tree of life in christianity in Ukrainian (UkrainianYkpai) the cultures regarded collectively the dome means a ship the dome of the (ship) fixed boundries we reflect ourselves to the current guiding sin strife to the route course threw stormy seas  signifying the church of christ exists in there faith the Symbol of Faith propesperity land of the village the wind threw the prairie's.

Rain looks down now you see hope with your eyes Dark looks above the stars hope the elements to leave your sorrows behind.

The Foundation within the compass a religion the compass the existence of anything of beyond and behind to the existent is there belief in there faith the dome is constructed like a ship to hold the church safety of the walls to shield them to unit them from protection for the top of the compass to follow the directions to be called the orthodox worn by the footsteps religion of faith the love diverse the culture  despite there diverse define in regards to the extent of religion faith the orthodox remained strong face values with there heritage we all have our own faith; the Nicene crede.

Paths of the old history of the village the parish decided to reconnect with the other followers to the church to form a new temple it still in its path devine.  The church was moved to a new course surrounded by trees to protect them  using there wagon trail to a secluded home and to serve to the Shandro VVillag ,(closed) Shandro roots the pionners endured tough in there heritage Alberta's oldest orthodox churches the pioneer settlers of Alberta pionneers endured there hard times but the significant for it's found became stronger by our beloved pioneers.

                    Given permission to go in Shandro                                                            Village

Love is happiness don't let other's define your happiness or to be forced to leave because of there unhappiness love shouldn't be jealousy kindness shouldn't be jealousy life is rich life is beauty love your self first.

  1. This church style is Hustle the effects resembling  there beliefs culture Poland Ukarainan settlement many diversity cultures are in small rural area culture's assembled to preach inhabitant faith Ukrainian culture's when small villages expand the some of the Ukrainian travel to villages having feauture characteristic of the village lifestyle from there heritage travelling to Alberta to rural outside area's enough with in city distance for supplies Shandro attached log home,a granary windmill a grist mill the horseman crossing 1989. Andrew Shandro (1886-1942) 

To the constructive notice in a small village represent there faith there architectural to achieve representing there faith the shape of the church if you look at the shape of the store windows same appearance the characteristic of an appearance the outline of building and church a shield to protect the tangible  essence of different direction to them from there strugglin the reckoning they relied on hope faith a edge of water between two diversities in open waters find your helpless that belongs to you binding the small village that the shadow signs are so true to shine with dramatically characteristicly the historical interest within this true beauty dreams can make a place for you forests of my souls.
                    The quit Nook School built 1911

We had so much fun that the wondering the spiritual feeling my husband flew the drone life threw the trees looking at the pail blue sky got caught up in a tree thank goodness for gps tracking husband being the climber he climbed that tree of me had take pictures the memories we had and the history what was even spiritual was how remember doing my research before arriving that Ukrainian believesc the trees are spirital to protect them so in the end my husband did get his drone the trees did protect my husband we spent at least over 2 hours that day mabye it's not how strong you need to be it's the  compassion you need but strong is compassion fear gives you strength.

  1. My husband loves climbing trees surrounding us just in our moment. Forever grateful he allowed us in we spent several ours in the Shandro village he was so nice in talking to us this was a for us because just right after September had my double mastectomy removed because they couldn't tell if I had breast cancer extra treat for us as right now don't have cancer but still migh have cancer and bunch other health issues when I die if my health issues at least I know I accomplished our heritage what away to celebrate even when my surgery was in October 2019 this just helped get my mind of the surgery 

                                Drone photography

The school was not located near Shandro village which was a challenge remaining to be fixed to there history divistery later on moved the school to Shandro village which Shandro cultivated the old history although it's fading our pictures of history live threw the pioneers drew on the numerous myths and rituals which existed cultivativation and nurture to each represenrts there culture to escape to be be free of there own beliefs in someone that strictly adheres to there religious beliefs or conventional, in a normal way doing what they normally do in there religion.

The church a spiritual reflection meaning of life there faith they believe when past ends its tree of life in  surrounded buy forests Christianity a shield protecting you. The ukarainan define philosophy there spiritual paths our spiritual paths in life to embrace to define your devotions good for the soul early sunrise late sunset.  Ukrainian cultures peace to us"; from the Ukrainian word myr word,word peace  a native or inhabitant east slavic meaning second edge.  (Saint Anna) those who couldn't find themselves was lost sheild themselves for protection but now blissed the path of righteousness lift your night to be your light to lifted up high above your guidance in life 1927 the town willingdon was established not far from the new railway line  

                              Given permission

Shandro means Ukrainian Territories Shandro pionner settlers Shandro was the first frontiersman to settle in Alberta Andrew shandro pursued hope  prosperity we need that again hear in Alberta for his heritage 1886- 1942 another village in Alberta named after him Shandro Ukrainians lived on its spiritual name Ukraine spiritual lifestyle diversity.  From the Ukrainian history Shandro heritage values his Ukrainian history just like we all a piece of history of our heritage even though Shandro is the health minster buy title he's still person like you and me with his own religious beliefs values followed buy his and our generation of ancestors.



  1. I don't think I've ever been to that place. You found some great old buildings to photograph.

  2. We were fortunate to have permission perfect fall day


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