1914 - 1953 Shevchenko North Kotzman not far preacher's home

AB 1914 - 1953 Shevchenko North Kotzman not far from the preacher's home. To where the marker is dedicated  to the  farmer priest who donated the land. 

To the geodetoc the true north the North Kotzman community was far from the therefore reconized churches and their intwinning cemeteries at Edwand and Smoky Lake. The pionners in intend or expect a piece the of land for a cemetery Mr. Steve Hawreschuk, who had homesteaded not far from the church in 1916 in his good nature- for a good cause, Hawreschuk his generosity to embrace his land  his farm not far from where he lived, to strengthin within the community of there beliefs emphasis to freedom the respsentation Shevchenko Cemetery the old wooden belfry  facing the front of the church  recognized in the 19th late century. 

The pioneers in the early days filled there church of in the good old days. The first burials the children, babies who died  during 1918 the flu epidemic denoting a disease or the affliction died before life to embrace parents got taken away so early some right at birth we are honoring them. 

 In the 19century a log structure 1925, the first service was held and the building became a church prior to that the church ,church services nativity the dynamic contour dynamic  are as the combination of blue them of oppostion  for there journery held beyond and enclosures there homes or outside .The structure was made of earth clay  94 years old today the church making long last you see the old logs in the clay.

The North Kotzman Ukrainian Greek Orthodox Church. Ukrainian Село (спадщини української культури,)  called the Shevchenko Church or the North Kotzman Church. ‘Kotzman’ is the German spelling of Kitsman, of the Kitsman Raion (county), the Chernivtsi Oblast (province) in Bukovina, Ukraine part other pieces makes up the whole makes.  Austria well. It's own customs and characteristics of life which most of the in the abdominal region in members came when they settlers who came to Canada as they wanted to embrace a better life of prosperity before World 1 during world 1 so many immigrants came to Canada for freedom.



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