Star-Hollow in 1779 Alberta The whispers

The whispers in the town threw the trees                                                                                               

Proswita School- Prosvita school l Просвіта Podkategorie.Ta kategoria ma tylko jedną podkategorię.D.Działacze "Proswity-1953.The red brick school opened Miss Duke 1910 Ukrainian but do you notice how they switched w -v the school keeping same name.  The Ukrainian new no English but mabye a the yes the word no was all they could speak or a nod with there heads the teacher into just trying to understand which made hard for them to communicate to defining a teacher that new English from parents arriving to star Alberta. 

The orginal building moved the date is on the stairs at the orginal site there were several old hospitals near buy but not nearly as big as our hospitals today. The mountain river life to the importance threw the tree's the whispers threw the tree's,old homesteads country road lamp burns threw the night. Stars hollow Taunting Tales following legend spirits tails Land ever changing the times green valley below to surround us on prairie soil non existint small ghost town between whispers everlasting ghost.

Lasting there importance embracing life in there the area that is now part of in life the confidence and courage and faith the pride. The Inferior from a define set indicated frontiersman to there hope in new homeland and frontiers woman to provide often. The frontier land In 1891 a new eara when the first Ukrainian immigrants to Canada, Ivan Pylypow with Wasyl Eleniak, a long journey to endure gallvent Montreal.

Sumultaneously 18th century 1888. 18th century led German farmers following there path in Bruderheim area, in the most suitable plentiful abundant land in the region; eventually in 1896 prevailing level Polish people settled near St. Michael in 1898, being situated at the time frame journey softly rustling threw within the whispers our guidance in life.

To unfold the first train 1836 completed was the being reflected entwining Montreal through history first traveled by train to Winnipeg to engaged briefly for a German farmer at Gretna Manitoba, helping to prysce the home to countless prairie farmers.
The Ukarainuan Settlers in Canada their schools,1891-Hollow Lake threw the whispers this interjectionally haunted spiritual around the school if u ever get those vibes u know. The Germans 1881 to 1914 they settled all over Canada germans however contraction to Canada till 1945, diversity given the possibility's the promise where the rivers run free the land side by side we gaze up at the stars on a stay night.

Ivan upon his return home at the early stage of winter the frigid winters are so cold in Canada back in the day temperatures getting colder in the period of time Wasyl stayed behind continued to work to elaborate the farmer with articulatural enties to work livestock in ciat Gretna, eventually recurrence his family in December 1893. 

The love there hope for the future they have the love to enrich there farmland they became so proud of there homeland. Desipite the small town claims spiritually that they see a woman dressed in white  drowning in her tears holding on to hope during  the night or a child playing all hollow eve the Tail of the two bones hearing the moaning crys.

  • Both Ivan and Wasyl to dilvuge family and friends of the vast amounts some the pionners settlers brought just there personal belongings settle the lands with their creativity structures for there promise land ever changing before returning with their families.  Settlers came in large settlement travelled together there families from Galicia and Bukovyna to keep there feet on the ground the start of living Alberta prairie,with the first indefinitenly settlers having homesteads subquent to Edna, now known as Star. In indicating in 1914 the Ukrainian bloc settlement in east central Alsquare miles,subordinate the late 19 century people of Ukrainian decent the beginning  diversity to the different places to be lived in there in Alberta Canada designation homeland the largest settlement Ukrainians outside of Ukraine. 

To undertake in literally materializing to be the easiest which was acceptable but was still able to back to his home when he could Pylypow and his family settled north of Lamont, near Star; he in his resting place in 1936 at the age of 77.

Wasyl Eleniak,along with his brother Peter, settled in the Chipman area in the late 19 century is Where Peter settled here two years before his brother,the occurrence did u know while means in Middle English from Old English hwīl,akin to Old High German time hwīl Latin quies rest,quiet to sustain himself and his family in Manitoba and  in order to move to Saskatchewan before settling in 1898. Wasyl farmed to reconnect his passion in farming he raised a large family, passing in 1956 at the of 9 to declare Lamont County to be the "Cradle of Ukrainian Settlement in Canada" in recognition including the inherent refer to a settler -person who has migrated to a less occupied area to established  residence In Canada Ukrainian settlers in Canada homesteading. 

In the Ukrainian words the language it"explains"ukrainianized"terms used in the east central Alberta by 1930 The pioneers:1891-1914.The pioneers were the earliest ukrainian situtaion earliest Ukrainian who immigrated were the earliest the Canadian were the as contrasted in between the periods l8th centrury 19 century Ukrainian settlers who immigratted to north west passage to farmers rich soil to there dream land. The vowel of ....kabluki-a Cradle device for carrying hay.
Son of Major Frank Fane a WW1 (father) the        Enlightenment former Member of Parliament for the  Vegreville from 1958-1968 the settlers gathered to settle: Peter McCallum and the Deby’s(1891),the Steel brothers, the McAllisters (1895) the Watsons,Stewarts, Wilsons (1898).


                                  Lets not forget

  • The faith the hope pride in our Land              memories feeling weary with faith there land of  dream to dream. Century western settlers before settlers arrived, in spite if the fact quiet Beaverhill area was a hunter’s paradise. Settlers often think of themselves being the first Settlers to live in this area as often we forget that indigenous live here keys not forget. 

  • The settler pioneers often think of themselves as being the first settlers pioneers to change one's land or location although through history settlers moved to places to be implied inhabited by native indigenous people. Settler's is to settle build houses,to establish new towns with other settlers first settler in the Beaverhill Lake region was an Englishman, Frank W.W. Fane, to whom having served eight years in the Northwest Mounted Police, took a homestead in 1887.  

  • During farming, maintained a post office and a general store that served a wide area Mr. Fane to escalate in the Local Improvement District of Beaver, was the first Conservative candidate in 1905,  in  a various particular location as magistrate, doctor, dentist, and lawyer. His son was Major Frank Fane, a WWI era solder, and a former Member of Parliament for the Vegreville district from 1958-1968.  

  • The variant settlers archaic: Peter McCallum and the Deby’s (1891), the Steel brothers, McAllisters (1895),the Watsons relations to the Watsons , Stewarts,and Wilsons (1898). The same time, 1888, German farmers migrated into the Bruderheim area, selecting the richest farm land by 1896 their number had reached 150. Polish people settled near St. Michael in 1898, later to move throughout the region . The Ukraine has had exceedingly history,.
Dr.William Todd worked Hbc physician from 1818-1851. The first fur trader/physicians along enroute In Alberta at Ft. Wedderburn (later Ft.Chipewyan) near lake Athabasca Dr.mackay late 1867-1898. He journeyed to his destination Edmonton practiced there until his passing in 1917.

The physicians were aware of the important grave problems in the pioneer day especially the aboriginal the Metis,the aboriginals completed cases they journeyed on to  a new smaller town to get the help or to be in quarrentin to help the near and far breakout the aboriginal journey together in a small group. Sometimes leaving there chief behind so the chief watch there familes until his tribe came back for help did want to make peace to the signficant of all aboriginals were not bad people or the bad tribes example of illness typhomalria fever,w. in the day when they ran out medicine the used red wine to get the infection away simplar to digest so any of you who desire red wine to attain the illiness. 

Constituting to mention the occurrence settlers In 1891 the designated settlers with there horse and buggy began when the first Ukrainian immigrants to Canada, Ivan Pylypow and Wasyl Eleniak Montreal. They first traveled by train was opened in 1836 outside Montreal through its history. The pioneer wood-burning locomotives.Winnipeg attracted attention for a German frontier at Gretna Manitoba, helping to thresh.

Provided, Ivan came home knowing how much he loved Alberta at the beginning of winter, while Wasyl stayed behind and continued to work at Gretna, eventually returning for his family in December 1893. Both Ivan and Wasyl told family and friends of the vast amounts of rich land obtained in Canada preceding returning with their families.The pioneers were the first people to settle in the frontiersman and fronteirswomen to settle in there prairie lands Galicia and Bukovyna to settle this part of Alberta, with the first establishment to define the settlers having homesteads near Edna settlement known as town of Star. By 1914 the Ukrainian merger settlement in east central Alberta was to extend over a territory of by 1930 over thousands of miles Ukrainian decent lived in this region,The essential qualities extended the settlement of Ukrainians outside of Ukraine. Ivan Pylypow his family settled Lamont, near Star; passed away in 1936 at the age of 77.

The mountain river life is over but not yet it's              tree's,old homesteads country road lamp burns  threw the night. Stars hollow Taunting Tales the legend spirits tails to non existint small ghost town 
To define Wasyl Eleniak Frontier, along beside his brother Peter, settled between Chipman area. Peter the first settlement between denotating decades his brother, while Wasyl without interription to his work on farms in Manitoba and Saskatchewan before settling in 1898. Wasyl farmed passed away 1956 established Lamont County to be the "Cradle of Ukrainian Settlement in Canada" in recognition of the first lasting and continuing Ukrainian settlers in Canada to settle on there land the pioneers.

Alberta to take the journey with us you put everything you own on your back journey with your heart and soul. 

  1. Old school Ukrainian means - khatchyna,khatchyna, khatyna a small house mission catholic school   for the natives Metis ukarainan church not far from this school Hollow water school 1830 - 1867 -1879 - Roman catholic school Through local wisdom the culture, expressing brick making control sharing harmony and spiritual to them there tribes a narrow path between at the farside the parishable communities the communities were not far apart some close houses near buy Ukrainian indigenous this would make sense as many small towns twined together in angle school suggesting that the Roman catholic Ukrainian the aboriginal school ,common use of red brick in constructing the buildings of recently founded in formal archtectonics relating to,being the British influenced embodying witted historical polytechnic studies,old schools founded in the 19th or early 20th century. Although pioneers and Aboriginal peoples had different ideas about how the land ...planting  unlike in nature different crops each summer lifetogether as we know spring in a field would help keep the soil.

 Life of farming Hope's dreams Sun glazing down  shinning old farm house not far from the school Rutherford frontierman of the old school mission native (Metis). Struggling to save there home trying to find what little they have little to them is so much more they hold on the to what they have there land is what belongs to them no matter how far you are it was once there home filled with memories. Natives cree woodland natives the school is haunted spirits   but protecting the good from the haunted spirits swift runner was his nickname he go in the woods running hiding married many woman one had the legal name but he had a side beneath his layer of him he tried to have a good reputation mystery prevail of the night sky from his pure evil hidden society historically during the history over 100 years cursed to the whisper of rumors but is it cursed the whispers threw the trees.

Who was the first settler pionners in Star Chipman  



  1. Thanks for the photos and history!! So much to see on our back roads.

  2. your welcome jen your more then welcome to share my blog I definitely follow you too on your blogs


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