St demetrius Alberta ghost town


St demetrius  school old school once held once held with pride. Pride -old fashioned Discipline but yet not so pride when wearing a  dunce hat knowing ur the one in trouble or weren't the one that caused it wearing dunce hat  In the corner a playground full of childrenTo a child there no division between playing and learning but when playing you learning and yet still to embrace the spirit all around us it gives our creativity our passion desire . St.Demetrius The name is St. demetrius school and the name of the church. The sun just over the home with cows in the pasture or  just the bore from the window of a cow the sun over the of the pasture.This is a small little town where the church and school close together the heart of something belonging to you, were once upon being used pioneer history. The one room school was close to the church and home mission or memorial cross is always near the church.The Holodomor' dotted with villages whose population the would mark when a village is gone ukarainan room school houses are dot the twelfth letter of the alphabet and represents the sound [i] in writing. Ukrainian uses и to represent the sound the ukarainan settlement  the dances considered prehistory at pioneer homes for dances in there homes accomplishing a harmonica.
                    Honest within ourselves for us to                                                   dream a dream 
The name of the church is St demetrius church. What is the Hidden Esoteric Meaning of the INRI 

In Latin: “Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum” or ‘Jesus the Nazarene, King of Jews’

in Hebrew: “Iammim Nour Rouahh Iabescheh: or “fire, land, water and air”

It ameans: “Igne Natura Renovatur Integra” or “by the fire nature renews”

That Christ renewed himself and the elements or four Kabbalistic worlds (Azilut, Beriyah, Yetzirah and Assiah) by the Holy Fire (Agni yoga or Tummo Heat)

indeed baptize you with water unto repentance: but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire:” ~ Matthew

Old school st demetrius  Ukrainian school 

Old school  



  • Having alternate cross facing two different sides, Meanook  the aspect which is  imposing the one  example of a very large cemetery cross. Sunday mornings used to mean something  back in  the olden days a special to them but now just bitter sweet memories good old fashioned days  in an abandoned Vohlynian cemetery south of Athabasca. Depletion Sometimes renewal leads to loss or reflects loss of cultural continuity. . Demetros UGC, Hilliard Here we see an English language plaque superimposed in 1994 on a monument set up in 1942. Yet I question does that complete the Ukrainian language inscription from 1942. The 19th century church was built here in 1903 and dedicated to St Demetrius. In 1926 Bishop Budka consecrated the church and rededicated it to the Nativity of John the Baptist. Starting at sunset the eve of celebration before the feast of St John --Ivana- falls on July 7.  

  • Placement or the occurrence In time ball game have diverse rules and histories to although they had  a modern past it was there own history in time on November 9 OSĺ--St Demetrius day  St George UGC, Manly Very often now families will super impose a metal plaque in English on the original Ukrainian inscription and thus obliterate the original text. This informal sentinment family that's nearest dearest to them respectively its ideal worker, men back in the olden days  they believe me  Had to go work the woman stay home but nevertheless were woman teachers in one woman room perpetuated in the past schools retaining the Ukrainian original and did u know in the 14century  they used the word augmenting it with English inscription Math history. The English inscription, however, attests to the loss of cultural and spiritual values and traditions. the end of a Byzantine funeral service we ask God to make the deceased memory eternal,”sotvrory jim vichnuju pam'jat”. Here the phrase “vichnaya pamjat”' is interpreted as“eternal life”.

Ukrainian graveyards and church yards small  grave ...
This cross on a sign  around Alberta. St Demetrius day.   St demetrius  originally  used wood cross  but in  some of. Church    They preserved  metal with symbols and signs  for lasting  entertiy immigrated to Canada from the Ukraine late 1800's and early 1900's St Demetrius.   


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