Brush Hill church

The old brown church along old long crossroad

  • Old prairie life treasure the memories each pioneer just closing eyes opening all there dreams just right there has history it's own history connected to there colonies there history to them the church was founded in 1916 Brush Hill his royal Highness waving his hand again to the Brush that flies fuller village by Volga German settlers from Norka German Russian immigrants in memory of the pioneers the country gentlemen the country daughter's who constructed the church in 1916 one settlement pioneer's passes away and another born and lived comes between the crossroads the earth stands still together to break  the darkness bright as the sun leave till we reach the sky the past behind we just need to believe you how long do we have to stair in mirror to lift ourselves up till we find our dreams.

  • Life goes so fast embrace what you have in front of you this moment 

  • Ecclesiastes the colonists multiplied Between 1764 and 1772, 106 colonies the church as you noticed facing North Brush but surrounded with just a small amount of trees the color of the church to represent the soil what they been threw war- surplus brown represent the nature the trees colonies to try to avoid the fires less forest as its surrounded by farmland foothills in different soil. 

  • The solitude the dust well eventually settle the old soil beyond the solitude the dust well eventually settle the new hope of solitude beyond the old soul
 Night has come day when we walked a mile in there shoes when we stand still the more you feel the more you dream when we tumble but rolls past the darkness we see the sun till we reach the sky we stand up dust ourselves off and follow the crossroad the daughter's of the country road to a path then the dust settles as it rises than it falls.

The Hills we climb the life we lead gets to the top but can't bring ourselves down only if we let and just breathe there we roam after we breath

The old house was built in the time frame as the wanted to represent there heritage you can see the different colors on the house the one side of the house seemed to be added on and detailed work they took so much pride we need a time of rest a tired wooden step just holding on to the church. 

Brush Hill is a Fuller village 

The storm is surrounded by trees land but we go around the storm storms goes away to out blissful lives families divided but one day well reunite in our own beliefs more you feel the more you dream 

The pioneers settlers that came to these crossroads on there bold journey in the 1910s small amount of German pioneers came to Alberta. Those who constructred Brush Hill reformed, established in 1916 previously mentioned to simplify the construction they wanted it to be simple Brush Hill was humbling to see a spirit yet they didn't want it to be to complicated to build the detail work shares there history the small fuller village to be divided from the higher power the country churches lonely crossroads with a bell tower in rectangular frame structure iron served as served a bell tower for the diversity rememberence were established along the Volga River near Saratov.  To colonized the pasts these colonies became known as "Mother Colonies"of the colonies mean the 7 year's war the French Indian war the Mothers's supposed to fight those who were dangering the frontier as the man went off to war the Mother's Mother country Mother also means 13 colonies let us enter threw new cross roads. 

Hopeless beyond the solitude the dust well eventually settle the old soul we took a long walk but they lost my heart just breathe in the  prairies between the crossroads take me home beneath my soul but the solider gave us strength we brought back a hope we choose our destiny the pioneers journeyed they pack up there troubles to hear the church bells Ring let there be light to what we see they had on there back there old coat old shoes but to dust off the past find there destiny around the prairies this time is our time threw out history in the prairies 

To live in a colony  

Colonists were assigned to settlements according to their religious confession the pioneers had it way tougher new land new settlement colonies came together down the crossroads the journey threw life. The sorrows not all in constant sorrow but the sorrow is between us quiet now the tree tops the leaves fallen we wait and in the moment we breathe beneath our souls we lift up our souls.  

Brush colonies why named brush it's in a remote area with some trees surrounding it.

  • Each time why nothing ever changed we aren't the Day after day but now we are closed from our own cultures diversities the country daughter's we are distance but we fight our beliefs we need to grow challenge ourselves even when the time is dark or grey and it's shines on our light we believe on our light but not to overshadow but to keep within our distance let the light shine and the walls are up but bring your walls down let there light let us not be afraid.

  1. As the colonies grew larger they became disberred but by devotion, and beginning in 1848 there parent nation of "Daughter Colonies" were established, the nation's to the south and east of the independence colonies. The daughter colonies dressed to there modern wear they the country daughter's were settle in a new farmland by descendants of the original colonists. 

The indepence colonies were established at this same time in the midst of the Volga German colonies by followers of Mennonites from West Prussia. The needed a new Humanity to leave there country the country gentleman back than of these Mennonites the frontiers first settled in the Volga diversity to the north of Samara. There bold journey they were brought together by followers by there colines of Evangelical Germans who established another group of colonies. Although this church had a bell at one point it was used for communication to reach to send the criminal evil away from the fuller village.

Once the pioneer settlement left there diversity was divided finding there new journey in life what is left of this church is now memory for photographer's as they see the crossroads admiring the craftmanship.


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