AB old school once a playground the childern filled with laughter sometimes they Could've shed a tear or to . And house The name is  St demetrius school and the name of the church. The sun just over the  road from our home with cows in its pasture.  This is a small little town eqivalent to the church to be taken jointly were once upon being used pioneer history  

The name is  St demetrius  school and the name of the church is  St demetrius churchWhat is the Hidden Esoteric Meaning of the INRI on the ‘Cross of Christ’?

In Latin: “Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum” or ‘Jesus the Nazarene, King of Jews’

in Hebrew: “Iammim Nour Rouahh Iabescheh: or “fire, land, water and air”

It also means: “Igne Natura Renovatur Integra” or “by the fire nature renews”

That Christ renewed himself and the elements or four Kabbalistic worlds (Azilut, Beriyah, Yetzirah and Assiah) by the Holy Fire (Agni yoga or Tummo Heat)

“I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance: but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire:” ~ Matthew

Two-barred Volhynian cemetery 
 Here is a very imposing and to my knowledge unique example of a very large cemetery 
cross. It is in an abandoned Vohlynian cemetery south of Athabasca and has two bars. 
Sometimes renewal leads to loss or reflects loss of cultural continuity. . Here are two 
 ST Demetro UGC, Hilliard 
Here we see an English language plaque superimposed in 1994 on a monument set up in 
I assume that it covers a Ukrainian language inscription from 1942. 
By the way the first church was built here in 1903 and dedicated to St Demetrius. In 1926 
Bishop Budka consecrated the church and rededicated it to the Nativity of John the 
Baptist. The feast of St John --Ivana- falls on July 7 OS. That is a better time for your 
praznyk and ball game than November 9 OS --St Demetrius day 
St George UGC, Manly 
Very often now families will super impose a metal plaque in English on the original 
Ukrainian inscription and thus obliterate the original text. This family has done a fine job 
of retaining the Ukrainian original and augmenting it with English inscription. 
The English inscription, however, attests to the loss of cultural and spiritual continuity. 
At the end of a Byzantine funeral service we ask God to make the deceased memory 
eternal,”sotvrory jim vichnuju pam'jat”. Here the phrase “vichnaya pamjat”' is 
interpreted as “eternal life”.



                     The year on the graves 1901 1886 0r 1801


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