
Showing posts from November, 2018

Brush Hill church

The old brown church along old long crossroad Old prairie life treasure the memories each pioneer just closing eyes opening all there dreams just right there has history it's own history connected to there colonies there history to them the church was founded in 1916 Brush Hill his royal Highness waving his hand again to the Brush that flies fuller village by Volga German settlers from Norka German Russian immigrants in memory of the pioneers the country gentlemen the country daughter's who constructed the church in 1916 one settlement pioneer's passes away and another born and lived comes between the crossroads the earth stands still together to break  the darkness bright as the sun leave till we reach the sky the past behind we just need to believe you how long do we have to stair in mirror to lift ourselves up till we find our dreams. Life goes so fast embrace what you have in front of you this moment  Ecclesiastes the colonists multiplied Between 1764 a
Old abandoned places  the sun is always shinning    There's a  old school the name if the school is  either Svit or Leachwood   still researching at the bottom there is some history I posted enjoy. Found really amazing history.  Even has my family last name we could be related my uncle was John denision My aunt had lived in athabasca  as well or around amber valley .  The first Canadian ice road trucker  who also made the first Canadian roads  he known on the ice road truckers TV show.  Iam his great niece he would be proud of me                          Had found this infor mation.   Which is near because my last name is Watson who knows we might be related  FIRST WAVE OF SETTLERS The area that is now part of Lamont County was first surveyed in 1883, before settlers arrived, and while the Beaverhill area was a hunter’s paradise. The first settler in the Beaverhill Lake region was an Englishman, Frank W.W. Fane, who afte
AB old school once a playground the childern filled with laughter sometimes they Could've shed a tear or to . And house The name is  St demetrius school and the name of the church. The sun just over the  road from our home with cows in its pasture.  This is a small little town eqivalent to the church to be taken jointly were once upon being used pioneer history   The name is  St demetrius  school and the name of the church is  St demetrius churchWhat is the Hidden Esoteric Meaning of the INRI on the ‘Cross of Christ’? In Latin: “Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum” or ‘Jesus the Nazarene, King of Jews’ in Hebrew: “Iammim Nour Rouahh Iabescheh: or “fire, land, water and air” It also means: “Igne Natura Renovatur Integra” or “by the fire nature renews” That Christ renewed himself and the elements or four Kabbalistic worlds (Azilut, Beriyah, Yetzirah and Assiah) by the Holy Fire (Agni yoga or Tummo Heat) “I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance: bu