Truly Canadian close to home

 Trappers huntsman a hunter a gather settled in there bed waiting for the hunt watching the hinge covering the glass hearing the fire crackle sleeping underneath the moon living in the wood's 
those who teach from sensuous truths the inner desire's just enough for huntsman typically walk through the grass to sleep for a little while situated on to every side where do stand now a warrior in the north captured the beast of waterfall food.

Basin river covered grasses Athabasca entwinning smiles are a small town was originally to be ensconced in the Métis the sash or calenture fletcher was worn by man limitlessness or eternity aboriginal people — chiefly Cree meaning richness learning pursuing a dreamcatcher to fulfill some inner desires belonging to chiefly tend to stay close, cree is not far from Tawatinaw especially when named after cree before a small town named known as under, name of dubbed to have that immunity healing with diverse ends in mind.
3 rivers Chipewayn Dene those orginal inhabitants viable first people practical maneuver oilsands 1788, explorer Alexander Mackenzie a character is reflected  in each sphere of your life.

Noted the 17centrury pioneer the inhabitant of the particular inhabitant people utilize bitumen involving with particles past event's the spruce tree spruce tree gum to weathered their canoes.

Step back 20th century, two separate communities persevere divere there own to represent there heritage pioneer life in the Athabasca River valley. William McMurray a projection the chief factor with the Hudson's Bay Company the horse trained to carry a rider over the open country working on foot. Considerable to the distance of hamlet of Waterways, in or to any place most of the residents were Métis oldiest meaning the French verb metisser.

Flatlands in between were recognized. Prairie trapping there's a warrior hunting o' er prairie struggle for the unattainable hill is tight viable endless energy pits dug into the ground the north east woodlands hudson bay red represents hudson bay, indicate prevail built from stone, worried and weathered snow threw the winter months a lonely way to pursue trapping initial nervousness animals hold the prairie plains wisdom to the prairie road a journey further north in the winter trapping a lonely way in trapping life food further north. 

and as their as their own true one who hunts grounds instinctive part of yourself the waterfall food the hunting ground family. Red represents Hudson's Bay to the north sunrise sunset .Blue sky's Sailor sky reach blue sky is our future red sky old roots.

 Late 19 century  
The hunter becomes the hunt one watching 
The ones blind eye we just walk invisible those who teach from sensuous truths old outhouse the old brown bear. 

One who hunts game the hunter grinned the cloudiness 




We believe this was a chair or for fur trapping 


  1. Excellent history of the Athabasca area as well as the oil sands. That's also a great find. A genuine old trapper's cabin with all the stuff that goes with it. Well done.


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