St Paulus Roman Catholic German Heritage Ross Creek we need salvation lifted

  • The spiritual heritage of German my salvation 

The name of it is Paulus Roman catholic The Roman Catholic Church built 1910 on this site or monks or nuns the lived breath the monks believe in the phenomenan of nature peace replacing the previous church which burnt down.  It Catechism congregation Individual role evauantly appeared retained until 1919 when the building was sold to the local School Board a from the catholic tradition as a school for grades divided 1 - 12 until 1958 from what its German conintuity there are roles to be assumed in Germania a very nearly small colony of settlers to explore to define there dream to Alberta.

Roman Catholic Cemetery -The cathedral window in front of the Paulus Holy Roman Emperor on down

Life is a whole new meaning of propesperity living a rich full life.
  • The church is detailed with history 1910 the church was built the school in the 19thcentrury the school was built they walked to school everyday, as the Ross Creek Roman Catholic kings county generorations of diversity Mission building burn down or is burned down but was destroyed by fire, to them it unsettling how the fire started in 1910.
         Kings County farmers diversified into other               crops and livestock to a small farmer                           the field path he has to cross having to enjoy             the most valuable part of the farm to the heart           of the farmers.

  1. The churches served mainly a German settlers as there is more than just German to be adequate Lamont county was settled however a split occured  arriving to Alberta by the Ukraine pioneers.  Female deity or protective spirit other slavics countries seemed likely the everyday activity of life Happeniss monastic to cultivate silence of the mind. Happeniss meaning of life soul purpose the stars the sky in communion a double belief of faith The heart is our devotion you well gsin ever lasting blessdiness the church has always valued there devotions he lived it found it's whole meaning God there are soliders as well from Germany.Windy hills this time the lonely skys we look above as they begin to circle have to go we choose to go the extra mile wisdom and beauty our hearts we follow the spirit within you the long road ahead to scout the skys the star we reach to our heart our souls our journey threw the long roads ahead threw within our heart to guide our light we are falling rugged and torn to the unknown but to wonder how we seek he weatherd threw the storms why did they have to gi away from me while we wept but once we wept we became stronger because we are in this together it's new chapter in our lives listen to our heart. 

Travel is a Journey you make

August 30 1919 -1916  the school district of Paulus  purchased the building from the Roman catholic  unknown to them of one thought of resting in peace. Relatives remember history remaining there are graves but is that to be left unknown.
What do the Roman Catholic believe substantially in the way of life and worship

 St -Paul-de-Metis or St.-Paul-des-Metis over looking the farm fields. 

During the time period 1928 the new building was  built addition to the school as the class was increase to size more running room for the children added on the extra school rooms on the right hand side is the school.

1938 the older building that started the church was closed. In 1958 it was used a senior room and school. Found old newspapers from historical research.

 Okay so let's go back in time to comprehend the German roots with there bold journey to explore in Alberta with there covered wagons well to the extent where Michael Schmaus settled 
to a number of German families to be desirable, enough families for a Roman Catholic church together over a period of time was to be built 1919.

Ross Creek

There was not a sufficient number of German people left to retain the church.  The history of this short-lived German community in the Ross Creek area as there church and school is stillness all what remains of history usually when think of school and church you see the church separate swiftly felt there presence light-hearted to therr content faith from the school but in this case built together historically in Romanian you are supposed to have is separate the school from church.

The solaitar 

Lone tombstone sorrow passed in a little cramped graveyed. Beauty in all it's glory again a grave beside usually when you see graves are behind a church St Paulus determination for an answer to this the answer itself to elbirate form yet one more a with deriving there great comfort from one give us God Grace embarked on the path God gives life to humanity.

What was unique to see was the tombstone usually when you see a tombstone you think the wild west far west but this stone is right here in Alberta tombstone's didn't start being made late 1900's

The red brick 

Within the commun the geologicalists 
Involving detailed information the red bricks a marker backing the day the mark on brick or walls the exterior is a dark red dunstable brick with stone the red brick baked clay intact rectangular for support exterior during dark not seeing the red brick  in Romanian means helped you or supported when your in a difficult situation the red brick was a foundation as a support to come together a real friend in need.

seeing the where the red brick was placed the brick once my husband and arrived at ths destination ny husband  saw me knock at the door with respect as it's the owner property had our two puppers with us enjoying the summer that day one going back to it's a symbolic that represents that goes back to the British the brick but the catholic churches the character of the struggles one using there voice softly of there struggles from Rome and to the Spanish historians bold there journey visible to the new light to these countries a life journey the red brick indulges in the past its sacred symbolsizm in a bible verse I tell you to ask u may receive we give to receive.

As I remember Belonging to one to some degree some actually may have uncovered beyond a brick wall. Although I wasn't there to see the brick with the value to the individuals you could just feel the history old diversity split Romanian Orthodox 1925 diverse.

 Fröhliche Weihnachten, The Lonesome Grave at Paulus the writing stone 

A true faith 

Roman Catholic Cemetery” is from 
entir said to the members now but the memories are there. The Distributes relative Michael Schma Shares several similarities with other ancient Faith's a Christianity of light Let us light up help each other. 

Religion and denominations 

Its designates that German church in the middle of a  various Ukrainian settlement. In general both Ukrainian and German ancestry. It emphasize one of  almost entirely nearly make it so unique that there is independence in a small German settlement in a predominately Ukrainian area. The German people. 

But why the name Mundare short for Romanian  

Sts Peter and Paul Parish in Mundare Since 1911 Romanian Orthodox 1925 diverse Roman Journeyed to Alberta split Romanian Orthodox 1925 diverse Roman Romanin in Alberta lived to be remote Kings County farmers diversified into there other crops and livestock Kings County farmers to small farmland the beginning of Romania 's pursuit of independence the festival still represents the spiritual unity.

 Michael Schmaus who was born on July 11, 1851, in Nittendorf, Bavaria. He died on June 2, 1915.  Souly  devoted to his beliefs salvation devoted Gertude Schmaus John Scheers he who has life meaning fullfilled his life to salvation.

Mundare they hold there Pilgrimiage Ukrainian term Vidpust a feast celebration of life. 

  •  I Don't consider my myself a historian just there history out there to be remembered history was brought to us from our ancestors.


  1. Interesting history . I was there today and the property looks much the same as it does here except that I didn't have the nice blue sky. The owner showed me how the church has a stone foundation and the school to the right has a concrete foundation so it proves that the school was added on later. He called it the Ross Lake School.

    1. Yup it does prove that school was added later on saw the concrete there to. Paulas Roman catholic it has quite the history glen ur picture is awesome even with the grey sky


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