Sion -Zion United church cemetery

 Expolarition in the unknown territory to (sion-zion) Reminded me of the movie oh brother art thou  if you here there song when they are walking to the river  the song is below this article enjoy. 

Church the name of sion United church cemetery. Lets distinguish 3 major words mean on this church is in accordance to the beliefs the followers believers Sion United Cemetery The United church of Canada the diversity is a duration of the road denomination and the extent to the capacity in and with the wide range exceeding Canadian Christian denomination after the Calthic church.

The United Church was founded in 1925 as a merger of four Protestant denominations with to distinguish having characteristics uncommon is the greater majority of the membership about members: the Methdoist church Canada the Congregational Union of Ontario Quebec, two-thirds of the congregations of the Presbyterian church in Canada,the Association belonging to Union Churches, a movement predominantly of the Canadian diversity and the irony of this historic division.

Canadian Conference of the Evangelical United Brethren Church joined the United Church of Canada. Gradually over period of many year's ago, the past until not long ago until to indicate the Ottoman era, the city walls of Jerusalem were reconstructed many times in new locations, so that the individual member hill known as Mount Zion individual part of something no longer inside the city wall, exceeding to what is signficant the location is new delveomplent in a wide variety the portion of the Old City wall forming a southern boundary of the Jewish Quarter of the current Old City. Some of the original City of David itself is thus also outside just to breath in the the direction to the current city wall.  In disbelief Its mormon to resemble German church to but mission church.

Historical of the community of Sion is older than the history of the Province of Alberta. Between the divisions of the countries derives gathering  joyous historcal history but Sion was here the as built hill of jerusalem define set. The old Northwest Territories, before the year 1905, delegates to a higher power Roman Catholic community. The meaning define than a hundred years later, this has all progressed to relating to the characteristic. To be in it's place in a quiet bay on the north side of Nakamun Lake is what almost amounts to a summer village—an evangelical Christian group called Camp Nakamun. Community of believers followers a new western front the strength from across North America distingushed from the rest of the circumstances around the world, who call themselves the Christian and Missionary Mormonism Alliance Mormon' believe that they are Christians they are not Christian's it's a cult founded by Joseph Smith prophet god but some believers don't believe a cult by Joseph Smith they wanted to protect Joseph Smith claiming themselves as Christians hidden they spread out to different towns knowing they be caught in the temple you are married two 7 other wives yet they say they are not married because the temple is secret unrelated to become Christians but protecting the bibles doctrines and bible of Joseph Smith but they still give the Joseph Smith till this day Camp Nakamun to the adequate preparation to the community of Sion has come over a time of more than a century Our Lady gone Christianity completely brought back to there Christianty faith. During the twenty-first century stuff that condructicts a fact Millennium. This revolution is using a another able a fictional role from disturbance, than to be force which living meaning an evolution than a revolution. The endurance beyond the Christian and Missionary Alliance, let's introduce Joseph Smith During the period mentioned protestan Joseph smith marrying more wives and not just marrying more wives to be daunting having affairs the churches indicated constructive construction as part of a ideal meeting place  Sion Mormonism. St. Luke's Anglican Church southwest in the co habitants quarter of the Sion secluded alternatives intersection Slightly sighted prepared was constructed in 1912, destroyed by arson mid 19 century. Cemetery a divisible the historical past remains are some interesting old-timers, thrives with his faith in the Sion the characteristic in common.

To the northeast side of that Sion intersection. An old United Church postion in the rank there which was built of logs the structure is a enailed path Latter day saints ever wonder why named Latter Day Saints LDS Church Mormon is a nontraditional conspiracy why thet say it's non traditional is they still follow the prophet Joseph Smith Christian restorationist church cult considers itself to be restored of the orginal cult founded by Joseph smith they call themselves a church the shouldn't tell you what to or order you that means your brainwashed a reminder of the past hundred years of history latter to the end of something than the beginning. People who built it were simple farmers, with not much formal education at the time. Illustrated by the way they spelled ("cemetery" as "cemetary") Here lies the cemetery Unique enchanting the cemetery.  The founder and leader Latter Day Saints Latter Day Saint the movement his brother's and his brother Hyrum Smith Illinois Joesph Smith were executed by anti mormon mob over 200 mobsters to kill the brothers in June 27 1844 the brother's to be outmoded for poglimay Smith Carthage awaiting trial armed men came in excuted disguised there faces Hyrum was killed first the shudder.   They took out the a letter it's not (Saint -Saints ) The S stands for Smith Son Latter Day Saints and Joseph Smith Joesph Smith 111 as his father successor in the mormon religion Thomas S multiple wives stands for plural restoration afters Joseph death the new follower Brigham from 1847 until his death in 1877 systematically in New York established 1829 by Joseph Smith is the founder of LDS 1839 revelation.

Historical buy the archaeological of practical contact observation long time ago by  old-timers in the Sion community, in the resurrection to desire in the new Millennium. Our Lady of Sion She lives not only in Roman Catholic tradition followed buy Joseph Smith, she lives also in Protestant tradition. Keep moving east, that brings you to the little old Lutheran Church,called Epiphany Lutheran. Epiphanv manifestation of christ demoting generalizing the gentiles represented by the frontier woman ,the relating to the christian festival commemorating Greek epiphainein 'reveal the revelation to be the insight a village hidden humble this little church, originally German, identified as the Sion Lutheran Church. Here too, lie the bodies of the custom beliefs its the same traditions saints who have been laid to rest as part of the a period of time hundred years of history the higher power would radically change different beliefs once caught by Joseph Smith in a gripping twist by using systematic and often for the contact by using systematic provoking for the higher power for to distract new followers the fruit and the garden of Adam and eve right from the seed not the fruit but from the seed  than the fruit  the mormons would plant seed for you join to follow the fruit nectar of god Proctor the leaf Adam eve the temple from the outside world the new era.

Beginning of a new era Mr. Ludwig Plit frontierman offering one services to construct the church back in the mid-twenties. Occurring to evangelical Lutherans from a German settlement in Poland.  They left there own country to North America in 1909, arriving in New York. Witurn was born at Walsh, Alberta,on January 10, 1910 was laid to rest in Onoway, surrounded today by the Baptist Cemetery there, in August 1942. Clearly past feelings an integral part of the Sion history exceeding there beliefs.To consider Sion in a unique way.  Sion continous change the land from Lac La Nonne to Alcomdale entwining on the east-west axis, and from Onoway to Busby on the north-south axis, harmony as already previously mentioned above, leinster means four. To get acquaintaned by Christians from Roman Catholic to religious beliefs known as the Penasctal Assemblies. The old and the new have embraced here in an ecumenical gathering a new dimensions, the world considerd. To the Zion drawn toward the past history.  Hutterite Colony at Alcomdale, also known as the Morinville Hutterite Commune, for that reason the Hutterites as a Christian uniting as one front community are an integral history. Our Lady of Sion tradition of our Lady of Sion Son, our Lord and Savior,Our Lady and her Son become compassionate leap of faith was it a leap of faith christian communism the mormon's during this time the song (zion -sion) indifitite emerge to altar the S to Z. Joseph Smith orginal church founded constitution (Church of Christ ) preached in the sermons.

We're in the new Millennium, how to emerge increasing age im a majority of New Jerusalem. People have lost faith or trying to regain there faith here spiritual life Our Lady tradition beliefs Holy Virgin the original Lady of Sion. Lady by the name of Mary Magdalene as our Lady of Sion. Jesus have amorous which he was not permitted to consummate during his lifetime, because his born and living chose to crucify him rather than letting him consummate that union. In the same sense in a modern context as our Lady of Sion. To endure with to include fortitude Ladies of Sion much the Holy Virgin our Lady of Sion. Our Lady has is tradition beliefs till this day Our Lady is alive with us today in reincarnate form.  Believed in some religions rebirth form she reside many bodies batipzm of the dead that's why they believe rebirth batipzm the dead dusk rebirth dawn the sun arises to rejoice consider her a saint of the highest founders of religious beliefs. The Brethren sisterhood were all born the kingdom of (Sion-Zion). In the mormon religion the garments had to wear with symbol Shaped like Compasses while the revrse-l shaped on right side was referred to by early church leaders still use them today deemed holy use to represent inspire believers faith affirmative today certain amount of length to wear used to wear them but no shorts or tank top unless full covered when you go in the tabernacle and the temple and affermitive the membership card for mission and temple but the ex -husband expects you be the housewife he is the leader would keep the pass to be incontrol of the wife and abuse at time's. A disturbing sudden vivid in a disbelief memory such an event typically of lds a lot of trying and timing triggering of your memories. look for the methods observe that church is a lot like scientology they have the doctrines and they can define the higher powers.

Frank r Mitchell. Grave below cef batten passed away 1947.

49th Battalion 4 January 1915 Edmonton 4 June 1915 Arrived in France,
9 September 1915
Perpetuated as the 1st Battalion 

 Late 19th century the early 20th century, Barrhead played society in the settlement of northwest Alberta. All to known for in a small village barrhead as the Grizzly Trail, follows the original Klondike Trail which was the main loop to the Yuko threw not following as planned othe the Gold Rush years. Established, this route was key to the settlement. The characteristic Barrhead North of the existing Town Centre, was a frequent stop  travel Klondikers needed supplies for the strenuous journey north.

Nyla Brewster   in front of the church   my puppers 
This. Could possibly be mission church bringing  everyone together for those who choose to as it's there choice .  
Cows on the way to the  church reminded me of that movie 


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