1800 old train

 At the very bottom  added king of the road song enjoy was given a private tour In the 18century train.  Permission  was given bye owner a orginal 1800 train car. Asked buy owner not to give the location out. It was a privilege taken back in time threw history. This is sentiment 1909 even though it  was completed  in 1800 loading up and unloading from a train of black people coloured deemed unsuitable to the climate when the black familes either arrived separately or alll together depending how they hid they first arrived to canada they had every right to believe in there field dreams land the beauty the abundance of our land the opportunities it took some acceptance for awhile in Canada. In the early 20th century the black pioneers familes settled in Amber Valley but it was still hard for Them it as it was isolated community. While exploring this old train  it definitely piqued my eye so much intact  the wood  barely looking like 1800 train stop writing somewhat faded but still can see  of  words on the train in the inside.

Where they escaped to freedom using the locomotives or rivers and streams they had to have a guide so they follow them but they always follwed the north star they mark the trees to know where to go into Canada was back in the us working in the field they had no choice there silent whispers there crys for but to listen to there master as they were bought and paid for which was so wrong back then one separated from there families never to be seen or one day to be seen and now just like anyone who had learning disabilitites desvered not to be bullied but some people forget us learning disability to be a helpless or defenseless place back then had it just as hard we got ignored even if we were black or white the learning disability got taken away from there familes be either that didn't want them or had no choice, we were tourted whipped even drowned  just as bad put In an islimm or worse when we new we tried to escape they wouldn't let us but yet we didn't give up. What about the secret hero's the forgotten ones who don't  want to be forgotten the train to endure songs.
  • Until this day this it still happens Its adequate that  one person voice to cause a person to stop talking when your voice can be heard just as much as that person is wrong heard make a difference until it happens to u it happened to me personally my whole life been bullied no that's not my fault computing
  • to be no different from the cultures or blacks because. Jumping in swampy areas following the north star to there field of dreams to Alberta Canada they just wanted to breathe. Amber valley is a small community full of dreams baseball team farmers but the drought made it harder all the first blacks yet they continue on there dreams to remember Unpleasant and unwanted especially in order to make someone do what they want to do not what do which is wrong, To be something that is likely to cause harm to someone bullying should be stopped we have every right to be happy . Don't let your story get in the way of the truth.

  •  Not to be a threat to you they just see that your different not to see whats behind the different of a person you don't threaten a person to what they have been talking been talking about,or to stop talking about: them up or a cunning or skillful act them with there learning disability the challenges to be not ashamed to say it. Being coloured a current divided by resistance threw a personal experience. Threw the experience disowned buy family because it can relate  a article that represents you can do anything dont let anyone tell u otherswise they r the ones that are unhappy because your happy a relationship is between a Unite not a the relation of a family is separate from a unit , to ask the person u ask that person directly not to the other person they well let you know, if they dont understand that doesn't mean they dont understand when they do to behave toward because toward your behavior not being honest with yourself before telling the other person inadactive that's honesty. Relationships:acquainted now with the determiner long lost relative reunited, some family on there other side.

  • Between the family relations didn't want to hear the prepostion honesty,once that heard from someone else this so similar back in the day repeating history when well it stop emphasizing the hard times with  pionner familes  trying make there dream come true.

  • They didn't want that one was so designate and so was different from them to bad for then there loss not mine even they stole the equitably, at most vulnerable time which should not happen in anytime period used while to what familiar issues struggle from the first disunion they want control not letting them control  there the ones that are ashamed to refer to the opposite ,this topic is so similar to the blacks and amber valley to what they had to fight for not to give up hope the hard work just like what we do.  

  • To Stand as one on when one expressing necessity or obligation. Need it the most to refer a learning disability the most shameful way the one thing thats not misleading impression and be told to keep quit  because it's different an embarrassement to the family  we have just have as much right to be here just like the black familes, disabilities without giving it again computing but not giving up  dont be ashamed  it some people may be afraid to say it to say it the sincerity is. 
  • Beyond to it's saying though they have a right to speak whether u dont want to hear it or not shout out make ur self heard that's why it's to empathize with the blacks we all have to make a difference but no one wants to help because we are no different no different than the black pionners families yet they wanted there memories history to remember. 

  • They came to Alberta to follow there dreams they came to Alberta freedom hiding in trains before they see the conductor  hiding in trees till dawn dusk but how far did they have to travel  to get to amber valley to get from the 18 century train history the settlers Clinton Hudson's bay trains by boats and foot. Jumping swampy areas following the north star in there field of dreams to Alberta Canada they just wanted to breathe. Amber valley is a small community full of  dreams baseball team farmers  all the first blacks yet they continue on there dreams to remember. 

In the beginning of the 19century the locomotive train  was located right hear it where a train failed in  several small towns for the unknown reason coal   oil  but the gold rush started thriving to make a  timetable stop no more sounds clickety clack of the tracks once a actively enroute ,was the original grounds of the train station. To see the wheats oats written on the train car all the way back 1800 hundreds.Not far from the train is a  bunker house but unfortunately it didn't last to stand very long its facing towards the work shop. 

There is a old bed from the 1800 's and some old bottles from the 1930  there's a outhouse !  attached are some videos  The metal still intact on the 1800 train car.  Barely any rust it's not new metal its original  I do not own this song or copyright.1912: The railroad reached Athabasca and the trail lost its importance as a major  enroute. Many communities that had sprung up along its length were now connected  to the railway. 

The commodity of the service  the Canadian Pacific Railway came to that abbreviated . Although is allowed completion of the Red River Valley Railway and a reduction of the  freight rates, railway expansion stalled in Manitoba, Providing largely to the adequate costs  of the construction the wealth. During the mid 18 century 1895, Sifton created a the new indemnties railway construction in which the indemnities and guarantees the main principal and interest on railway bonds. He also worked which implied  him to expend the effort of almost any kind: railway contractors  Donald Mann William Mackanzie to complete the Lake Manitoba Railway, which would become part of the Canadian Northern Railway system in 1899.     

The Athabasca region saw increased settlement in the late 1800s through the use of the Athabasca Landing Trail, preferable the diversity to Express to the Aboriginal hunters travelling north to hunt buffalo.Once the Canadian National Railroadan individual part of a progression to  journey from Calgary in 1883, goods were shipped to Edmonton, then to Athabasca Landing where they were loaded onto steam boats and carried down the Athabasca River. Hudson’s Bay Company, one of several outfitters with a vested interest in the loud hollow sound the traders from the pionners were discovered  not only the fur traders were discovered  traveling to Alberta fur trade the gold rush was settling in Alberta, made some improvements to the trail the thrive  ,.which saw hundreds of Klondikers travel its dirt path in 1897 and 1898 on their way to strike it rich to feel the wealth to to provide . From then on, homesteaders came by the thousands to settle the area. Eventually some expanding the enterprising individuals saw.

Triggeing the oppurunity to secure and established a few public facilities in Rochester (then called Ideal Flats), Perryvale (then Lewiston), Meanook (a Cree word meaning ‘good camping place’), and Colinton (then Kinnoull) to serve travellers.Canadian National Railway built a line along this trail in the earlier settlement on the way to Athabasca Landing in the early 1900s.The train station in Athabasca still stands and is currently undergoing renovations to restore its original charm.
In a situatuted area of Boyle ,The First known Use of a locomotive wasn’t established until 1914 when the railroad choose the path way across to the open country or through forests to McMurray. It was chosen by the rail company as a town site – convisbly buy an unconventional decision as the outlying area was low and swampy. It was essential link to Northern exploration This is sentiment time supported by the train. Living in area of Boyle District soon turned to in a instant the activity selling the grain was growing buy the summer. Then the grain is generally stored after the harvest. The lumbering, and the other services. The population of Flat Lake gradually moved into Boyle. The village saw their first church service in March 1916 but had there church services in there homes or outside on a beautiful day before the church was built buy 1916 in a homesteader’s flour shed. However, the 30 degree below weather due to the lack of heat meant that the organ froze,leaving the hymns at that first service to be sung a capella, 18th century. It originally applied only to choral music


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