Old Hayden school 1911 - 1948

When I think of Hayden for some reason Heidi pops or the song Heidi come hi de ho Heiden is not a religion what does that did they practice there mission in this school Scandinavian German immigrants Heiden have there own mission farming work the steeple on the mission a viking school ?  Steeple as flagpole school was built in 1903 closed in 1948 there teacher miss atkins defines it existent founding purpose there strength and organizational of generations and values. Feeling the present of the school being charartized by there intense past feelings intellectual children spirit's where did there prairie trail lead to them Hayden built in 1913 Haydon school battlliing to the tooth nail for there farming lifestyle.

Haydon Hayden means Hendein in German a song buy callwoys why not have a little music in our lives.
  • Most rural and small town old schools old fashioned back than they had more pride appreciation amenities all school one room in. 

  • 1910 Haydon, Haydon this school. The wall of a room hearing the sounds of the crackling  fire.

  • Out cry of the past or laughter in silence 
  • silence school bell no longer there the step on the road to a new dream gone but not forgotten. Snow lies warm as cotton on the a slumbering subterranean fire. Baptist mission school or the grist school there was one other name for this school .   

  • She swept the ashes from the fire to the consecutive stone 

  • Long walks stormy weather through deep snow spouring rain. To emphasize hazy lazy  summer days ruffling of the leaves the fall stepping stones from branches for old man winter coming soon the fields the woods to no longer hear the school bell Ring to just see the steeple all that's left of the remaining school which the school bell is in silence no longer sounds from the once crowded one room school once horse-drawn covered wagon used by the early settlers was a mission school 18th century towards the existence the heart some but for your dream the heart is a beautiful soul to embrace.

The whole of my life the hat my dear father wore just remember me as me
Indulging in farming life in our mission heart 
Beauty of the country the banks the valleys below dreams can make a place for you in the land we love we love so dear life is rich why not shine in June but shine buy the light of the sky farmers golden grain moonshine on the golden grain for the harvest grain tired eyes rising from the morning wondering about the daily struggles.

the dates were established some time ago to be seen and historic sign there. Once was a small town but turned into a small ghost town no remaining inhabitants. John ware of his characteristic legend known in these parts the opportunity to travel challenged to create his dream. Who was Andrew Haydon was a author of the pioneer sketches the Ryerson 1925 Mackenzie King Alen Haydon who sooned journeyed to Alberta further help the pioneers the prosperity start of a new beginning.  Hayden is switch with Haydon. 


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