Anglican church 1905 - 1910

Anglican church 

Gold rush under star coverin the dirt dusty trails rain came down rolling covers of the wagon struck down by gold fever the train came thundering rolling down the 1912 constructed in athabasca. 

 Pionners who travelled prairie trails journeyed threw the wave of redemption but only to define there true hearts there new adventure awaits.

Simply out of curiosity log anglican church denoting in a period of time the oldest to be in Alberta Colinton 102 built 1917 step back in time fur traders on a historic journey in conclusion reached a new home to build for there family the family glanced over there shoulder at the log church on the hill conclusive with the church history slowly put together a old wagon road railroad steady clang monement in time a period separating over crossroads as the Klondike gold rush Athabasca landing the gold rush into there bit of there heavin 1862 in Athabasca the personal abilities greatly diversed of Athabasca was like gold rush fever the period of the past while church yards are patch of land close at hand meadows farmland taken jointly located situated surounding the church most often that happens behind the church value faith apart children final resting place.

 Pioneers Enroute journeyed in a low area of the land threw the hills stream flowing between the land when the fur traders arrived fur trade in colinton trading for fur the sought fur to trade for purchase to pursuit the fur trade. Old log house from a near buy post oak logs one to daydream began farming 1905 a close hand undertaken was a old flour mill settlers north. Church Old Anglican Church (Scottman) brought him to notice defined him to - Colinton Alberta. 

 A charming old log church constituting one congregation 1900 1876 fur traders settlement that for many year's existed as a transient post first of the earliest destination time accurance 1876 between current connections yet to be accurate defining a clause congregation defined a mission of a broad church of hope into the deep sense the church by the holy vow in use bearing equality congreation church Landing Trail – Historic enroute to Fort Edmonton to Athabasca Landing the railroad a muddy wagon trail through dense forest of my heart threw the prairie's beauty of the but my soul landed on the prairie soil the nature but found my soul threw the valley they were assiduous observer religious beliefs they started to build the railroad  to the untold risks 1912 weight of the town and the pride. 

Find a way to follow your intentsety leave your path in light ahead guide me to one your defines your heart let's not cry threw your desire one's path to follow your soul until we find a path one day.

Anglican Church the original log church still stands  1876 1905-1935 David Hay previously mentioned fearliest settlers surrounding colinton area he arrived in 1905 calling his property kinnoul after his family an extinctive area of land in Scotland. 1901 In 1909 he married Mary Jack - their son Doug was born 1911 was the first baby born to the settlers large area. Hearts filled with hope joy of a newborn in the family.  In 1910, Hay built a store post office a ground one which a town in a situated area, building or monument is constructed the site and 1912 gave a section of his land for building St Andrew - Anglican church keeping in it place planned structure constituting one congreagtion in 1876 the trail brought settlers Alberta. 

The original Old Anglican Church - Colinton Alberta Old Log church 1900 's Athabasca Landing Trail – The historic route went from Fort Edmonton to Athabasca Landing and was dubbed the “100 Mile Portage” made by man through most of there pioneer mission the gold rush was divided the pionner's began to settle in the surrounding area since it connects to the equlivant occurring merely to waterways– North Saskatchewan River to connect Athabasca River. 100 Mile Portage” settlement linked two major waterways –North Saskatchewan River and the Athabasca River. Constructed by the Hudson’s Bay Company in 1876, state of economy trail import fur traders, gold miners, settlers to be distinct exstinve with Alberta’s northern division- life diversity dream deffered. Emphasizing Colinton settlers journeyed to Edmonton for tea time importance indicated transportation route point in time 1912 feature accompaniment threw railroad. 



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