Black history month

Crying city. to go there no city in canada  land of hope  opportunities freedom There  Hope's. They dreamed. never gave up even when they   were  wipped     when they didn't do anything wrong in there eyes. just because They didn't fit in  Crying city. Hoped One day they be free of this   unfair  life.  As it was there life to live 

Amber Valley, AB (1910-11, The consideredable great size of BLH

In suburban around Alberta) unlit the 1930,
Located in the middle of a sea of German and Ukrainian homesteaders, Amber Valley populations declind population the 1930 within commemorating some of  the Amber Valley pioneers were sheltered by clergyman Henry Steed, In the beginning to explore out land north of Edmonton and, in 1909, loading up a chartered train of black homesteaders in there new particular way of life.

The pioneers who journeyed threw the hidden valley prairie trails the darkness turned to light what is our tomorrow Alberta for Amber valley 

Substantially near athabasca substance from amber valley Canada feared the Black escaping from there fear of tears the way they cry near darkness no holding back as reaching for freedom tears of hope By 1911,  Canada to be servicable kiboshed future Amber Valley.

In 1909, a group of 160 Black Canadians homesteaders established the community as a black settlement The homesteaders, from Oklahoma and Texas, journeyed within four years of Alberta the process becoming a province in 1905.
The settlers were led by Parson H. Sneed, a clergyman and mason,  which indiciting near Athabasca River. For the first few years was a struggle for them, with the surroundings changing to what they define frequently in the past expresing not to return Oklahoma.

The agriculture there crops areas for planting crops and building houses from the ground up.  In the end, the settlers were as being resilient to establish a common system centralized location for learning has existed since in the school house established in 1913 and a nondenominational church in 1914. Widely known in amber valley baseball team in the North. Amber Valley became the largest community of  black  people  in Alberta until the 1930s to there land of opportunities.
The Amber Valley the lost community but not forgotten black residents first black settlers. Did start in Calgary know as the western black  settlements the orginal homestead sadly was sold  yet so much history. In Amber Valley to be uncovered  a lot of the  orginal resident Amber Valley remained. Moving toward the future the school house was Gone. But memory lives on the pioneers buildings slowly fading pictures to salavage of memories  The post office  closed in 1971.

The slaves escaping from America to Canada  To better country when the slaves escaped from America they would use different  They wrote to there son the wall Marks on or just act like slack in America without there master knowing what they done to get free use trees  for marks or hiding. But We forget to. It’s called the Underground Railroad they used to escape to Canada  they used the North Star for guidance where our day a compass we use now  to crawl In the dirt  anything to get to Canada signs  and symbols.  

Using logs in swamps hide them selves they also talk in codes if they could 'nt find the North Star They feel  the leaves. The marked leaves the slaves before them. The same path when it’s to cloudy to see They follow. to know when it’s safe to leave and meet there loved to come to Canada.

Of the few remaining black settlers. In The Athabasca area near athabasca not far from amber valley  Ottawa feared a black takeover of the plains that could overwhelm Canada’s existing 7 million population. By 1911, Canadian diplomats had effectively kiboshed any future Amber Valley   How they escaped to come to Canada from the us to Canada.  Is a secret  from the black settlers because they wanted to remain. In Canada In Not all them living In there orginal Amber Valley museum the museum  the cabin which is located near buy. However wish not to give location. Protecting there heritage the orginal cabin was moved.  And placd Romeo Edwards, Elmer and Kenny’s oldest brother.  Black Alberta cane to Canada better quality of life to find jobs and churches   to find schools to be free. Northern Alberta, Amber Valley took shape amid a sea of displaced European  homesteaders 

In  1909, a group of 160  settlers led by Parson H. Sneed, a clergyman and mason, settled in an area by the Athabasca River For the first few years it was difficult for them.  Used old grass cutters buy hand witch looks like ax area for planting crops and building houses.
They built a school house in 1913 and a in 1914 where a single teacher taught seven grades of boys and girls in the same classroom.  They had a baseball team that was widely known in the North . Amber Valley was the largest community of black  in Alberta until the 1930s.
Beginning in the 1950s, many descendants of the original settlers began moving to near cities such as Edmonton to escape rural life. In Edmonton, many Amber Valley descendants founded the Shiloh Baptist Church, one of few black churches in Western Canada.From 1867 to 1914, the Canadian West opened for mass settlement, and became home to millions of immigrant settlers seeking a new life.– like farming baseball mining, and oil anything to meet ends meet . Alberta grew in these years as settlers began to make home .   To what they brought on there backs to Canada brought immigrants to Canada: greater economic opportunity and improved  better  equal life an escape from   The United States  Where they were  treated poorly   To escape to Canada to be free  to find what ever jobs they needed  abd to find there New beginnings. to survive in Canada  





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