
Showing posts from March, 2019

Old Hayden school 1911 - 1948

When I think of Hayden for some reason Heidi pops or the song Heidi come hi de ho  Heiden is not a religion what does that did they practice there mission in this school Scandinavian German immigrants  Heiden have there own mission farming work the steeple on the mission a viking school ?  Steeple as flagpole school was built in 1903 closed in 1948 there teacher miss atkins defines it existent founding purpose there strength and organizational of generations and values. Feeling the present of the school being charartized by there intense past feelings intellectual children spirit's where did there prairie trail lead to them Hayden built in 1913 Haydon school battlliing to the tooth nail for there farming lifestyle. Haydon Hayden means Hendein in German a  song buy callwoys why not have a little music in our lives. Most rural and small town old schools old fashioned back than they had more pride appreciation amenities all   school one room   in.  1910 Haydon, Haydon this school.