
The quaint wooden-house was so cozy and yet simple, but to hearthe creaky wooden floors the old window overlooking the floating sea of crops surrounded by the dark sky near the countryside.

Old red cross hospital

Grey clouds seemed over the old hospital once settled near Consort to one's path over the drenching cloud from the old stair case but a one's sight love to an old timer's connection of the one Old Consort Red Cross hospital to one's country hospital sitting on a little bank possibly early as 1919- 1929 until 1948 or the late 1958.  Surrounding the old hospital that rattled and lightly touched the white curtains swayin the sun, to these wooden doors from just still holding on  in the mist  sad smiles with smiles on the prairie landscape of russet and white , as the wind carried  threw the prairie winds rioted up and down the country side. To the old red cross to one's feeling of a nearly quit solitude to one's love romance to one's kindness threw the grace of the prairie's a old hospital to a brief period of time by remoteness romancing the past of the old window but yet stiflingly old-fashioned,.... from the morning sun still beat relentlessly old sashes

One's cherished memories

His lovely old house out in the country has a story of old times with fond memories the history of there time's as a farmer's (fer-imyore) family past the family traveled by train wagon sits on his farmland there Irish heritage smaller to poorer to the hope of there old - fashioned farming to engage in raising crops threw the surrounding it's scenery and solitude of his son Forsyth to he that he well have his farm the horse stood still.... The beginning of there new chapter to help him with his farm to start your horse as soon as one's see light they are ready to mount my horse a farmer and one's family his soul he had always sought one thing--out again into the sunlight, as the sweet soul must soon to be love of an old house h e was amiable and kind hearted, and greatly liked by his neighbour  to his genourus nature simply what it must be full of one's valuables he drifted nearer to his home his house filled with memories a farmyard collection one's man dre
The blacksmith hurriedly from there fashioned from the finest iron. The blacksmith have tears in his eyes from the eye shed of pain to hear in that one moment just as the blacksmith was in the midst of a stirring song, he rose quietly now desired there whole soul

Down the cobbles

Having lived on the prairie house to the family shape of the homestead to sunshine and blue clouds not only was lost from the charm of its farm house from the stubby old homestead that's settled in between the tree's swaying in the wind" the one shade of the the tree's standing over the old wooden-house surrounded by some farming tools .... A comfy, cozy romantic small old-time, but to seen an old love tale in the shadows that reached to the bottom to the charming handsome wooden-house a bluestream sky with few white clouds over the  cozy and simple  holding on to simply cherish just another beauty as they drew near to the old house that's built long ago half-hidden nearly in the woods making it feel enclosing just to close your eye's just to listen in that moment serenaded by owls and foxes,  and hearing, from time to time the creaking noise in wall how does what heart hurts when wind  to nearly a shattered holding on by a  charming wooden house on one side al

Ole to an old dream

Mr ole coming to Alberta giving him open opportunity to own land and to begin plowing his ownland. As Ole sees to where he visioned his home from the top of the hill as there is this old beautiful wooden-houese built in the 1920s and 1930s a wooden- house two story house horzitanal wood structure interlocked in the back built on a hill-top to shed some sunlight to be fenced in lopped circled about buy  in Norway  from small, slender, drawn-up trees, growing under the shade of the larger ones in the thick woods, these being freer from knots, and tougher from their slower growth  tree's very similar to the norwegian Valley with tiny room's for the extra warmth similar to the norwegian style home  i n there early time threw there humble beginning the house was built with solid wood planks around 1901 pioneering new ground here  although it was quite captivating the old wooden house minus the antenna,  the old believers with a warm smiles a bit more of the old timers the antique wi

The Kolomea School until 1929, when a new school was built Ukrainian Catholic Parish Church

Ukrainian the Catholic Parish  the first Parishes  were in a formed so small an area but rather of the worthiest weer there never so few  of the worthiest. T he cloud slowly drifting away old school-style. Near the end of the hamlet road in a singles woodframe Parish school-house life in there modest ways directly derived embrace the ascetic life to wander through the old country life to make light there fiery spirit getting brighter as the seconds passed in each moment giving them way to a little spiritual light with the second one trail behind them in there deeply life followed by there traditional values in there mind of there truth.  The heart with no light in some of the schools Ukrainian children were strapped there cries are faint nearly a whisper to write line's or held after school for speaking there Ukrainian language in darkness in old country if the Ukrainian children weren't speaking English sadly would have them sent out of school carry on with  there farming

The Hungarian church

Mostly treeless t he various shades to the prairie country stretchin wind that churned the sky tightly knit Hungarian church. The Hungarian church St Michael's Catholic Church built during 1910 as the night falls, endures the sunset lingering on the horizon threw the stormy clouds mostly treeless tract land surrounded by light shade grasses threw   the twilight year's. There Dream to own land had strong will power  wooded hills near threw the years seem to be smothering us farmer's the prevailing numerous hail storms drought summer almost near to the end the door were covered with carefully wroughting. The church steeple became damaged in 1935 in time it was replaced by a wooden cross, over the sky was ragged sky the blaze of the ragged orange pink sky the vivid colors of the sunset. Summoning the faithful there quit time at night one last sound of the bell to keep upholding there tradition and peace threw the surrounding prairie's.                                     G

Roland school

 To catch light blue sky with the clouded sky one room school would not know what to do on a stormy day though perhaps glancing other window as one not read wholly through for many stormy seasons feeling the dull grey weather the trails of pioneer's to a one room school old country styles.  1913-1960  In a distinctive appearance there early life between a frontier town the families settled near this old formed wooden frame white school with green trim the wooden frame door large  windows even to be said to be used as an a hospital, and they were far enough off the main road off over seeing the prairie especially near farms one room school met in a single room row desks or benches to sit on to the basic levels of learning the teachers were known as schoolmam or schoolsir one room schools are known to be as schoolhouses small wooden school to keep in the heat a stove next to a drafty wood pile to keep warm to the old fashioned way. The first school built in this area  to the styled s

Single room schoolhouse

In a single woodframe schoolhouse life directly derived embrace the ascetic life to wander through In that brief moment to be devoted to my heart

Lutheran Evangelical old brown church

Over the woodlands old brown church and bare, fall—tiny crystals hardly visible in the light from the snow blanket of snow silent, and soft, and slow Descends. Reflecting on Martin Luther  Martin Luther King is the most ancient type of one's early faith a pastor to his and there faith alone. A traditional story says Martin Luther to be elaborate to begin writing to start Protestant to be developed in an earlier monastic life the churches were divided into one from the early to the sound churches a forever Christianity of a characterzied romantic attitude toward the past the mystery of faith and teachings in the past to one's peace the senses or the mind anestheticslly to it's long beauty. Whispys cloud graciously clear slight breeze the peaceful sky to the rich light blue sky fluffy white clouds scudded across above paused mid swirl the clear blue sky. The shy that remained to be high or lofty to there importance soar old church down the road to a path to the church led u

Hillocks rise

Little snow cloud hillocks rise with a short period of light footprints appears from the dark clouds. Some lancet windows and a round-headed doorway which overlooks the hillocks rise t he light snow whirled softly without,the sound of a hooting owl was hushed by the light snow r appelling to dawn beyond the church edge so softly on hamlet as white as snow  on ly the reflection of the white snow  and grey sky  is on the ground a footprint  impression  of the sole  of a person's foot  small and quit by t heir earliest moments are hidden from view  all raise their eyes towards the clouds life to life towards a heavy snow promise path leading away from hillocks rise together is together they led there way to faith but  faith needs one time.   Tawatinaw Tawatinaw also means his mouth held open not to breathe a word. Cree river valley down a winding path but the cree indigenous they became the hunters the woodsman should the hunters suffer some pain to there fiery passion to one's w

In there little hamlet

Travelling namelessly old styling in bustling streets to important destinations,we travel on the same old school bus when we did to there kinderd spirits. The vision of window sights while travelling      namelessly necessitating the children to alight  half brightly lit by the sun.  Formly referred the short bus late 1900's to here a yellow school bus in a v olkswage with it's surrounding armor  to a bus with a sole purpose but trying not nearly to hide the yellow school rumbling the windows rattled in the distance yet every day is nearly a mile on old rack road to the sounds of the young and old  the young kid beside me is someday going to search his soul the same way as we once did.  A shambled bus  into the darkness into the new light wondering what is life to be like on the road the which had snow began to fall but not to take our vision way so many miles are taken away. More pride old school style by faith was looked upon by the young and old long windy dirt road will le

Summer days have dawned

  He entered in his beautufil home with a smile I sought  reassuring  just enough to feel the summer breeze - s ummer days with broad leaves gracefully  leaves curving summer  has dawned earliest the  window was open to the summer to see some cloudness before the  evening just enough to feel the summer breeze the drifts over sill donaminated the shorter grasses landscape country-style  the pastures on the hills and watched them yet  settling what is for the good in there family life but rather those days yet in those quiet moments from a relative time to time in the country old house among the tree's shades of brown and black face to fall in the mist morning dawned with a few clouds hanging over just to feel sky from above. C rossing her arms around her feeling the love that makes her smile dancing resembled roses pressing softly into her hand they merely starred at each other  to there  sweeetness that pours everything into there life young two moments in there time  there glow an

Little remains of a old water tower

   Where we follow the road up the hill, open land where the clouds had come out of the woods stands an old red wooden rusty tower little remains of the site other than the water tower stood complete with a little rust against the dark bark brown to the deeper meaning at the top of the tower summer debris and birds  we could see the dim for the blue sky  in the blue light sky's silhouetted sharply water towers would be common along the railroad t he water tower existed looking at a distance past followed by generations  open land more and more of the shade trees behind the old red water the purity of its waters the color of the gravel road to the t ower where it touches near the interlock on the one hand, and of the fence which skirts the woodland road to the spirit level to follow line of there path to the  peek of the past at the enriching beauty. To there pride one's strengths to there hearting some of the completed waters tower's began to structure in between 1955 and l