
Showing posts from December, 2020

Hazelwood mill 1901 1964

As night falls in the summer  you could smell the   dry smelling milled wheat there thoughts there's stories the gentle rain made many shades greener they looked meek to derive one's simple tackle.   The mill wood siding allows the installer to hang it horizontally or vertically for deep working in the mill one to break down a flour mill in sounds to cleave in it's little time.  During the first early period the first flour mill was built in the late 1900's to the end of the existence The darkness as night fall the stars the starry night was followed how they could see the clear starry sky from the fire glow by the devastated fire in 1932 in there voice quaking with fear there swift cry show can we divert there sad loss dark roofs the mill dawn had come early that morning imparted brightness to the sunrise the sun made disheartened to reset there hearts setting of the sun  shapes in the forested landscape. To one's new character they starred at each other as his

Truly devoted

The door opened and she sensed the gentleman white - haired by the time he began the ruddy cheeked man style faintly handsome invited them entering the wandering room's looking out at the window while hearing the sound of her voice stands in the middle,with eyes closed, head tilted almost hearing the sound for the first time to one side the harmonica gripped in his hands the smooth side hearing her voice so strong what made her look up at a country gentleman as a harmonica nurtured his music to his kindness to the old using the roughly old fashioned strung with horses hair wood hearing the fiddle play a fire burned brightly in the fireplace.  A small country farmer a simple life to once a young man he would be content while pitching hay in the mid summer heat is it fiesable as they met they were coming over the prairie hill when the faint swathe of rain falls entirely the silver quintet in a piece called to one's crossing streams the land trembles flourishes one to one shore.

Old hospital 1910 1922

Crumbling now the old hospital to insuciteste a troubled life but it wasn't always a troubled life or to hold on to one's hope to the early events. There moments together life of a struggle. To there groggy mind to fighting for there life to the there impossible dreams yet holding onto there dreams. She hung back entering the hospital not knowing the strength the struggle she wiped her eye's full from tears she smiled giving him a withering look remembering she thought desperately she ducked her head once again in belief closed her eyes when she looked up she noticed once he dropped his hand holding her hand what to do there destiny in there last moments together shared went threw every moment to there time they saught the battle together. One to slept fitfully I wonder if you still feel this way after to one's sleep fitfully. Each morning they come to him the doctor thought it was quite possible he would sit there looking at his hand deep in thought.  O peneing her

Amisk creek church built 1914

The clouds far above were starting swirl above that  dawned cloudy and cold with a light rain  that chilled to the  taste of the sky the water swarm with life to the river that mingles threw the water running deep into the stream the summer memories to listen to the sound of the piano playing once played there fingers the rich at the top on the a keys of the answering melodies to speak softly but no more only now just to hear there whispers was almost too quiet for him or her to hear the choir one last time in there time. Being there usual lifestyle the cotton fields are like a winter snowstorm that are facing beside the church. The cree called the region which means beaver hill significance relates to there heritage who well be here to be styled by there the lutheran began to run so strongly to there to be rightly said to there devotions , But devoted to it's chiefly to one part or there feature of there heritage. The church almost looking like a gothic structure who well be h

A prairie's happeniss to prairie's dream eaton's house 1913

Seems a bit a darkened old homestead the thunder tumbled down little ramshackle holds such beauty to create one's home but it holds there dream prairie's happeniss dream's yet mysterious beautiful old soul as distinct to one's life a soul life the frontier of one's prairie's. Looking into the night stormy sky slowly the clouds floating around above the house pushing with just  as light went down grew into the night threw door open to seeing the fire crackling wondering to there to the ye old life in there home trembles threw life reflections looking back to there defining lifestyle a farmer's business shall it reap but to be beating the harvest. When entering the eaton's lightroom to brighten your day pink banister so narrow walking up the stairs eaton's home were quite common to be established on farmland the farmers got there work from there harvest she stopped at light a glimmer of light in hoping to see him. Once entering the eaton's hous